The Best Visual Content to Improve Your Online Business

"A picture is worth a thousand words". This statement is true and effective in all online marketing campaigns, advertisements and online business website optimization.

Are you looking for a way to boost your online business using visual content? You might have seen or heard of the importance of visual content in improving the online presence of your brand and enhancing your customer engagement. But you may not be exactly sure what content will be useful for your business and how to go about it. Here I will steal you a peek at what types of visual content will be helpful in improving your online business.

In this age when there are distractions everywhere, you might have to implement a creative way to captivate your audience’s attention. Visual content is, by far, one of the best ways to do so but very few people understand how to use them.

Many businesses have gone online before yours, and yours certainly won’t be the last. While the number of viable businesses – small, medium and large-scale increases by the day, the onus lies on you to devise a way to prop yourself against the background of others. You need to make your online business more visible in the now-competitive online business space.

When it comes to capturing your customer’s attention online, visual content has got to be your best bet. A good blog post about your products or general content related to your business niche can provide the required information to your customers, but including visual content in the work will skyrocket the performance of your online business to unimaginable heights.

Thus, if you are not already using visual content, here are some types of visual content you should begin to adopt in your online business marketing campaigns from henceforth.

Visual Contents Types For Your Online Business

Visual content for your online business
Visual content; credit:

1. Images

“A picture is worth a thousand words”. This statement is true and effective in all online marketing campaigns, advertisements and online business website optimization. This was why Frederick R. Barnard published the piece, “One look is worth a thousand words”, to acknowledge the effectiveness of graphics in advertising and campaigns.

As an online business owner, you must have also seen the importance of creating a formidable social media following for your business. Images are one type of visual content that when incorporated into your social media content can better convey your message to your audience and further enhance patronage.

Quality images mean quality engagement and online publicity. If everyone knew this, why is nobody doing it yet? Creating quality images may require a thorough knowledge of colours, design and whatnot which most people are not vast with.

To make this easier, you might be able to easily lay your hands on pre-designed image content in PDF format. In this case, you can then convert it to an SVG image format that renders the content as an image for use on your online business online platforms. You can also convert other business documents into other image formats that you can present as visual forms to your audience.

2. Videos

The most boring concepts, when watched as a video, look so interesting and easy to comprehend. The human brain is naturally inclined to enjoy videos and other visual content. This, you can harness to sell your business or brand to the general online public by creating and publishing video content as well.

A well-produced video content related to your product and/or service can promote your business beyond what you anticipated. This visual content also helps connect your customers with your brand, by giving them more insights about your business beyond ways regular text content could.

Video content involves a compilation of pre-recorded videos or image collections edited together to make moving images. Several video-editing programs are available to help you with this. However, if it feels too difficult for you to handle personally, you might want to hire the services of an experienced video editor.

Subtypes of video content to improve your online business include:

  • Interviewer videos
  • Live videos
  • How-to videos
  • Explainer videos
  • Animated videos
  • Customer Testimonial Video
  • In-app video content like Instagram Boomerang, etc

A simple rule of thumb to secure your customer’s attention is to keep your video runtime under two minutes if you aim to spur your customers into taking some actions e.g, clicking on a link.

How-to videos, interviews, and product reviews may take a longer time but another rule of thumb for video content is that you must make the video to provide value to your audience at every point in it, while logically weaving each segment into another.

3. Infographic

Images convey a lot of meaning but sometimes some explanatory are insufficient. Infographics occupy a safe middle position between bland images and less-attractive blocks of text. Infographics make use of both images and text arranged in the most aesthetic way ever.

From the name, infographics are graphical objects (images, logos, pictures, charts, tables, etc) that represent complex images in a simplified form. Infographics are types of images and they are also worth a thousand words.

n that they show some action, direction and emphasis on the most important points in the content.

4. Screenshots

Screenshots are not too hard to do these days. Newer smartphones have this feature for taking the moments on your phone. We use screenshots to capture important images or scenes that we want others to see.

While editing a video by yourself or making an image or infographic can be challenging, taking screenshots can make the process easier and faster for you. Screenshots can allow you to give directions about a product or service, show a functionality or easily assist your audience through a rather complicated process.

Also, eye-catching screenshots of customers’ testimonials and reviews about your products or services can provide authentic proof of your business’s success to further raise customers’ confidence in your brand. As simple as screenshots can be, they are one important visual content that can improve your online business, trust and patronage.

5. Others

Here are other visual content types that can help your business stand out from the crowd of online businesses:

  • Charts and graphs – data-driven visuals/data visualizations
  • Color typography
  • Animated gifs
  • Gif-ographics – a combination of infographics with animated gifs incorporated
  • Memes
  • Quotes on a graphic
  • Branded quotes – quotes on a graphic containing your logo and/or URL
  • Flip-books (online magazines)
  • Presentations (slide shares)
  • Calls-to-action
  • Ads
  • Interactive visuals such as 3D images, visual tours
  • Quizzes or puzzles
  • Cartoons or comics
  • Checklists or cheat sheets

Final words

Discovering a wide range of visual content types that can improve your online business or brand is something that will potentially set you apart in the cyber business space. Visual content has many advantages and many online business owners have tapped into these assets.

Visual content can help increase your leads and boost your online sales and engagement. However, many online businesses have been unable to start adopting them. This may be primarily due to a lack of knowledge about them or a lack of skills and resources to create this visual content.

Here, you saw some visual content types that will potentially improve your leads, engagements, and sales. It’s not too early or too late to begin using them now. I hope these help take your online business to the greater heights you desire.

Prosper Yole is a medical doctor, a seasoned writer and passionate blogger. He is the founder of With many years of trials, failure, and near successes in areas of relationship, health, business & entrepreneurship, personal development, and content writing, he creates quality content that resonates well with his audience across the entire internet.

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