What are the love languages?

The 5 Love Languages and How They Impact Relationships

Prosper Yole (MD)
For a long time, I constantly heard about the five long languages without knowing much about them until ...
How many times do we fall in love in our lifetime?

Why We Fall in Love Three Times in Our Lifetime

Prosper Yole (MD)
“The three loves theory” is one that has been widely talked about by psychologists and relationship counselors even ...
steps to leave a toxic relationship

14 Effective Steps to Break Free from a Toxic Relationship

Guest Author
Breaking out of a toxic relationship is not as easy as many people think. People in toxic relationships, ...
Signs he wants to marry you

37 Clear Signs He Wants to Commit and Marry You

Prosper Yole (MD)
After a while in every relationship, a woman may want to get a clearer direction of where the ...
Proposal hands ring

Reasons Your Boyfriend Is ‘Too Slow to Propose’ & What to Do

Prosper Yole (MD)
Are you worried that your boyfriend is too slow to propose? This post seeks to address your fears ...
When they are not ready for a relationship

What to Do When They’re Not Ready for a Relationship

Prosper Yole (MD)
I have often gotten the response “I am not ready for a relationship” and I believe I am ...
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Sexual and fertility benefits of cloves

Sexual Health & Fertility Benefits of Drinking Clove Water

The clove plant (Syzygium aromaticum) is a spice plant native to Indonesia but is now cultured in several ...
Consistency is key to achieving success in every aspect of our endeavors.

Consistency is Key: What It Means & How To Harness It

You may have heard it many times and you might be wondering what it means when they say ...
Always keep fighting - Jared Padalecki

How Jared Padalecki’s ‘Always Keep Fighting’ Matters To You

Jared Padalecki is an American actor who is often attributed with the phrase “Always Keep Fighting” after he ...
There are no accidents

There Are Really No Accidents. Here Is Why?

When you hear the phrase “there are no accidents”, it immediately comes to your mind that there is ...


Signs a girl does not like you and it's never going to work.

How To Find A Girlfriend: 10 Tips To Gets You The Girl

If you have been searching for a girlfriend with no success, I am here to show you some ...
Optical illusion; first image reveals your biggest relationship weakness

First Image You See Tells Your Biggest Relationship Weakness

What is the first image you see in the photo above? It is an optical illusion that is ...
Better communication between partners

How to Communicate Better With Your Partner

People have stressed the need of communicating in a relationship, and this has led couples to seek better ...

Family Counseling/Therapy: Its Role and Benefits to the Home

Family counseling, also referred to as family therapy, is a type of psychotherapy involving the identification of familial ...

Health & Wellbeing

Rainbow kiss meaning

Rainbow Kiss: Meaning, Risks, & Cultural Perspectives

The rainbow kiss meaning is something that has intrigued the internet in recent years. If you have never ...
Worried about not getting pregnant

How To Keep Calm When Trying To Get Pregnant

I have seen many people, especially women, who get very worried and sometimes almost paranoid when they are ...
Everything to know about pregnancy and period.

When is Safe to Have Sex Without Getting Pregnant?

There is a question I get quite often, “When is it safe to have sex without contraception to avoid ...
Erectile dysfunction (ED)

How To Deal With Erectile Dysfunction in a Relationship

You may ask “Is erectile dysfunction a deal breaker in a long-term relationship?” How can you handle erectile ...
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6 Top Secrets To Make Your Digital Products Stand Out

Stand out, source: Shutterstock.co Do you want to make your digital products stand out from the crowd? Let ...
Cloud computing fir businesses

8 Benefits Of Cloud Computing Today For Businesses

Cloud computing is not a new concept; it has been around for 20 years. However, it was only ...

Pros and Cons Of Investing In Cryptocurrency

Investing In Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency investment has been on the increase since 2009 when Bitcoin was invented. Cryptocurrency has ...

Strategies In Training Employees To Do The Job Like You

Training employees Table Of Contents Introduction – Major Goal of Corporate Leadership Major Challenges in Employee Training Advantages ...


Image by DC Studio on Freepik

How To Make Money By Playing Video Games In 2024

Playing video games isn’t just for fun anymore – it’s big business. In 2024 the industry makes billions ...
Image by zirconicusso on Freepik

Top 15 Cloud Storage Platforms for Photos In 2024

Are you tired of running out of storage space on your device? Say goodbye to endless scrolling through ...
Plastic laser cutting; iStockphotos

How Plastic Laser Cutting Technology Work & Benefits

Have you ever wondered how plastics are cut into intricate shapes, and in addition, how these shapes can ...
Industrial floor scale

5 Applications of Floor Scales As Weight Measurement Tools

Working in the antenatal and neonatal units of a hospital, I realized the importance of scales and weight ...